Which Country Invented Whatsapp - A Quick History Of This Amazing Messaging Service?

which country invented whatsapp

One of the most interesting questions on many an internet user's mind centers around which country invented whatsapp. The short answer? China. There's no arguing the point. Had the Chinese permitted more international market access, perhaps they would have been the new global leader in this messaging application.

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However, there's an important caveat to this question. Mobile phones are not allowed in China. This was a strict requirement placed by the government, which has now been relaxed. Now all types of communication including messaging systems can be sent from China to any land-based phone, which will allow for free communication using whatsapp. Now this doesn't mean you can start sending money from China to your loved ones back home through this method, but it does show that this messaging system can be used easily.


So who actually developed the application in the first place? We can put a pretty decent estimate as to who may have come up with the idea for the chat app in the first place. It is possible that Steve Jobs, the famous founder of Apple came up with the idea for the apple iiphone which would then later be modified and made available to the rest of the world. Having the same basic idea as what Jobs had, the same basic technology, only this time adapted to fit the Chinese language instead of English.

Which Country Invented Whatsapp - A Quick History Of This Amazing Messaging Service?


Then there's the other part of the scenario, which is whether or not the idea would have taken off with such a successful launch in China. The majority of individuals would use this type of system to communicate with their friends and family back home. They would allow individuals to make a customized account and use a series of pre-programmed messages. If one wished to, the entire conversation could be recorded for later playback. This is basically what individuals would use in order to find out the history of the family, find out more about a current event that has happened or perhaps just to keep in touch with their loved ones back home.


So if the question was which country invented whatsapp, we should be able to give an answer by now. There are a few different scenarios that have played out over the last several years, but the basic principle hasn't changed at all. Individuals would use their cell phones to send short codes to their friends back home, to post messages on social networking sites, or perhaps to sign up for online services that have long since expired. These are all still activities that will take place long time from now, but there is one area in particular that has seen an explosive rise in popularity recently.


That is texting via internet connection. Most people would use their personal computers as the primary source of communication, which is something that they are very good at. However, individuals have begun to use their cell phones as a secondary means of communication. It is much easier to send text messages from a smart phone than it is from a computer. In fact, many people would argue that it is much more convenient to simply pull up their cell phone and send a text message than to have to pull up their laptop and try and type out a message in portrait mode.


It may not be a question of which country invented whatsapp, but which country uses text messaging the most? Well, if you ask random people around the street, you will get all kinds of different answers. Some will say that China is the biggest producer of text messaging devices, while others will tell you that United States is the leader. Well, there is some truth to both of these statements. One thing that does stand firm though, regardless of who is telling the story, is that most people do agree that the Chinese are well behind the technology, especially since most cell phones are powered by the microprocessor based QWERTY keyboard.


The reason for that being, is that India has a much weaker economy than China. Because of this, most individuals are opting for more economical messaging apps such as whatsapp. The fact of the matter is that the people of India are extremely passionate about using the whatsapp technology to communicate with friends and family, and this means that they are constantly adding new features and upgrades to their messaging services. They also want to use the same basic features that everyone else is getting. Therefore, even if they are way behind the technology when it comes to messaging apps, they are quickly being able to catch up through the help of other countries such as India.

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Posted on June 4th, 2008 by <em></em>
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