The Lost Ways Of The American Pioneers - A Good Read

the lost ways

the lost ways are the hidden secrets of the American dream. They are the skills we were born with, but that have been hidden by the mass media and the brainwashing of our educational system. This article will help you uncover the lost ways to achieve your goals in life.

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"The lost ways" refer to common knowledge amongst Americans in the early 1800's that was largely unknown to native Americans. These common skills were passed on from parent to child, from father to child, and even from mother to son. The skills you were born with can be developed and are in your mind, but have been forgotten or hidden by the mass media and schooling. In this article you will learn how to develop the lost ways and become a better person.


Before the white man came the Native Americans had a strategy for survival. The American pioneers brought large numbers of exotic plants and animals with them when they trekked across the continent. These plants and animals were meant to help boost their numbers and increase food production. But the settlers abused these species by over-farming and killing them, so the animals could take over the lands. The result was a depleted food base and millions died.

The Lost Ways of the American pioneers - A Good Read


Today this same story plays out. The elite of our society who have been successful in the modern era didn't learn all of these survival tips in the beginning. It is important that if you want to learn how to survive the lost ways in this new modern era that you understand the need to learn and utilize the many survival skills taught to you by the ancients.


You must use fire before you eat; water before you drink; make wind and air travel with a wind mill; walk and move slowly in order to conserve energy; plant vegetables to save on food and labor; hunt and scavenge to gather as many natural resources as possible; and adapt to any natural disaster with a modified primitive survival skills. All of these survival skills are meant to help you get through rough times. And all of these strategies are designed to help you live longer, stronger lives. And these are not taught to today's elite in the universities. Those who have the money to attend these elite universities don't even know these survival tips. Survival of the fittest.


In the United States we have evolved into a materialistic society with technological advances. Survival handbook techniques were learned from the native American pioneers who were able to see the benefits of their lifestyle over the years. In essence their survival handbook is a living legacy passed on from generation to generation.


This is an important book to read because it is a very good read. The lost ways detailed how to use simple tools and tactics to survive and thrive in this rough and tumble world we live in. It gives you some good ideas on how to survive in the wilderness, avoid common mistakes that many people make when traveling, and how to handle emergencies. These are things that will come in handy, and they will help you to get by without any assistance for a period of time.


The lost ways of the American pioneers is a very good read. If you ever meet the great American pioneers, you will understand why they are so successful, why they are not, and why you can do what they did. Survival of the fittest was a secret that the great men kept hidden until now. It is time that this information is passed on so that everyone has a fighting chance to survive today.

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Posted on June 4th, 2008 by <em></em>
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